Summer Camp - Parent Endorsements
Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders changing lives since 1996
My son loved camp so much!! This was his first year and I was worried about how he would do! He told me he made friends for the first time and that everyone there understood him. He became quite emotional at the thought of not being able to see the new friends he made and the counselors and immediately wanted to know if he could come back to camp next year!! This was in our van in the parking lot right after I picked him up. I can’t say enough thanks for giving my child this experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
P.S. We will be signing up for social skills classes ASAP!!
I have been thinking about sending you a quick thank you for camp but I just can’t quite put my thoughts into words. This was the most “normal” experience my son has had in years. Yes, years! He rarely goes anywhere without me to be the “buffer” between him and the world. To allow these kids to be free for an entire week is the greatest gift anyone could give them. For one glorious week they are free to tic, run, play, laugh, and make friends. But more than that, for one amazing week they are free from glares, judgment, condescension, and bullying. This is something that I, as a parent, couldn’t give him.
My son summed up his camp experience for me when he said, “That was the most fun I’ve ever had in my life! And, mom! They said I was a GOOD kid!” Camp! The gift that will last a lifetime! Thank you Becky, Mike and everyone else involved for everything you did to make camp happen.
Thank you so much for all of the work that you and others put into the Joshua Center camp every year. Cameron has been so happy since he returned home from camp. The support and camaraderie that he finds there is very important to him. I overheard him say the other day “Joshua Center Camp is like my second family. All of my best friends are there.”
Cameron’s sense of self worth is much greater after attending this camp. He is already counting the days until next year!
Even through the stress of it all, there is always the thought that there is a reason I do this. I think back to when Nathan was younger and having such a difficult time with his rages. How poorly I handled them and Nathan. It’s amazing how you learn patience through other children.
Not only the smiles on the children’s faces (and young adults) during camp, but the sense of relief on the parent’s faces. The tears, the smiles, the laughs and the worry; just to know that we are offering a safe place for their children so that they can do normal activities, and so that the parents can rest a bit.
Becky, you have created something special that needs to live on forever. I will continue for as long as I can. I know I can say the same for Deanna. I have been talking to several of the staff who were first timers (and some returnees) that are so excited and want to return next year. Sara is just absolutely excited and anxious for next year already. Amy and Kirstie are both wanting to return, as are Jessica, Sam, Michael and Jennifer.
Thank you for the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life, as they have made a difference in mine. I love you for all you do! Thanks for having a great vision!
As a public school counselor, I often have requests from parents for referrals for a variety of services in the private sector. For services for students with neurological disabilities, the Joshua Center is always at the top of my referral list. The staff at The Joshua Center work very closely with my school to develop and implement intervention strategies. Therapists from The Joshua Center conduct thorough observations in the school setting, consult with school personnel and families, attend school staff and IEP meetings, and work together with the school to meet the needs of the student. This partnership is very unique to The Joshua Center, and is the main reason for the success of the students we share.
I also refer many students to The Joshua Center for activities such as social skills groups and summer camp. Through fun activities, students are able to learn and practice critical skills to help them overcome many challenges they face in the social world. The dedicated instructors and staff are very knowledgeable about the impact of conditions such as Tourettes, ADHD, OCD, and High Function Autism. Through hands-on, age appropriate curriculum, the Joshua Center provides a safe, caring environment for students to not only learn social skills, but also to connect with each other and find support among peers. Students who attend the social skills groups or camp feel positive about themselves and often develop strong, long-term relationships with the adults and students they meet through the Joshua Center.
Along with other teachers in my school, I have participated in professional development offered through the Joshua Center. I have learned a great deal about various neurological disabilities and strategies or interventions to use with my students. the Joshua Center also has a great teacher website, and Joshua University, both great online resources for teachers and other school professionals who work with students with neurological disabilities.
Finally, I am a parent of a child with High Functioning Autism, among other disabilities, and have brought my son for counseling at the Joshua Center. My son’s therapist, Mike Sumler, worked not only with our son, but also with our family to help us all work through difficulties related to my son’s disability. Mike worked very hard to use my son’s strengths to help him overcome challenges and he gave our family tools to help strengthen our relationships. We are a stronger family because of the support we received from the Joshua Center.