Sumler Counseling

Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders changing lives since 1996

The Joshua Center therapists offer personalized services customized to meet individual needs and circumstances. They are very experienced in working with children, adolescents and adults with High Functioning Autism, Tourette/Tic Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Anxiety Disorder, Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Services offered are solution-oriented, specific and designed to accomplish goals that are important to you.

The Joshua Center therapy services address both the needs of the individual and the needs of the family as a whole. Let’s face it: a diagnosis affects the entire family, not just the individual. Our therapists are top-notch, professionals that have spent the bulk of their careers working with children and families living with these disorders.

Individual Therapies

Whether you recently received a diagnosis or are just wondering if the symptoms line up it can be difficult to navigate this alone. So many times, people do not have the perspective of one that is experienced in working with these children/adolescents/adults and just need someone to understand them. We offer a variety of specific therapies that are well researched and proven to work effectively.

  • Child/Adolescent Assessment and Psycho-Education
  • Individual and Family Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and
  • Exposure Response Treatment
  • Parenting Skills with emphasis on inflexible children/adolescents
  • Marital Therapy
  • Premarital Counseling
Attend IEP/504 Meetings

The Joshua Center therapists are well versed in the educational process and how difficult this may be to follow. This is why we attend IEP meetings, 504 meeting, and sit in as a member of the team to help plan for your child’s education. You will find that the Joshua Center therapists have a calm but clear approach to these meetings and are able to affect change in the school plans for these children.

School Observations

As a part of the assessment, the Joshua Center therapists come out to most schools and observe the child for up to a 2 hour time period. During this time, they will assess the child’s social skills, learning style and interactions, as well as how their symptoms are affecting their educational performance. This information can be utilized in planning the school meetings and addressing the issues presented as well as giving parents the chance to have a better understanding of their child.

Meet the Team

Mike Sumler

Mike Sumler

Licensed Marital and Family Therapist

Kris Mitchell

Kris Mitchell

Licensed Marital and Family Therapist

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