Joshua Center Summer Camp
Camp Staff InformationCamp Staff Application Process
After you have completed your camp staff application, please make sure you return to this site to complete the online training and referral information.

Camp Administrator
Program Director
Activity Director
Special Events Director
Camp Health Manager
He/she is responsible for the health and welfare of the campers and is in charge of the first aid building. His/her duties include checking campers into and out of camp, treating sick or injured persons, keeping a medical log of all treatments, and dispensing all internal medication. He or she will also be responsible for monitoring cleanliness of cabins and latrines on a daily basis as well as recording refrigerator temperatures in the office and first aid building. The Camp Health Manager is expected to participate in staff meetings during the camp session and work closely with the Camp Administrator in contacting parents, if necessary, regarding camper accidents/injuries.
Additional duties include checking smoke detectors in each cabin and the office buildings on the first day of camp. The Camp Health Manager will be responsible for taking possession of medication and, when possible, talking to parents about camper health concerns during registration at the Rotary Club Youth Camp on the first day of Joshua Center Camp. After the health screenings at camp, the Camp Health Manager will inform counselors which children in their cabins need medication on a regular basis. Upon completion of the camp session, the Camp Health Manager will return medicine to parents as they pick up their child.
Camp Mental Health Manager
Support Services Director
Executive Director
Cabin Counselor
The counselor is directly responsible for continual supervision of campers. The counselor is to facilitate the group process, while ensuring camper safety and creating a positive camper experiences. Counselors need to be willing and able to participate with their campers in the majority of camp activities. Camp counselors need to demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of campers, interact appropriately with campers in a variety of situations and use positive behavior management techniques. Counselors are expected to model and demonstrate mature, appropriate, adult behavior. Enthusiasm, a sense of humor, patience and self-control are the model behaviors for our camp counselors. Counselors must have the ability to communicate/coordinate tasks and responsibilities with co-counselor or seek assistance from Camp Administrator. There will be 2 counselors assigned to each cabin of 5 – 8 campers.
Other responsibilities include participation in pre-camp training the evening before camp begins. Certification in CPR/First Aid is strongly encouraged but not be mandatory. Counselors must be able to attend post-camp evaluation meeting and complete camp and camper evaluation forms prior to leaving camp.
Office Helper
Activity Leader
Activity Assistant

Staff members are required to attend a full-day training session at the Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders Office, as well as complete an online course. (See significant dates listed on Summer Camp Staff Home Page)
To start the online training course, Click Here