Joshua Center Funding
Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders changing lives since 1996Joshua Center programs and services are funded through the following:
Annual Bowl-A-Thon: Children, families and friends attend the Bowl-A-Thon on the last Saturday in January. The general public is encouraged to form a team and bowl. Corporate sponsorship is available.
United Way support through Community Health Charities: Individuals are encouraged to support the Joshua Center through their United Way pledge utilizing the Donor Choice option. The Joshua Center also participates in the Combined Federal Campaign.

Support Joshua Center through United Way
Did you know you can invite the Joshua Center to your work for Your Employee Campaign Kickoff? The Joshua Center has qualified speakers who share their personal story and how it has impacted their lives. The Joshua Center is eligible through Donor Choice to receive funding for State, Federal and United Way workplace giving campaigns. These campaigns kick off in the fall and our speakers can be scheduled to give presentations at your workplace. This is an easy way to educate friends and co-workers about the issues our organization addresses. For more information please call 816-763-7605.
Thanks to all of you who have supported the Joshua Center through United Way. You have really made a tremendous impact on the children we serve. To support the Joshua Center you must request a Donor Option Choice Card from your United Way Coordinator. Our code number is 021. In May, we will receive a letter from United Way with a list of Campaign Donors. We are also included in the Kansas Employees campaign.

Support Joshua Center through Community Health Charities
The community can support the Joshua Center through the United Way Donor Choice Program, an opportunity provided by our membership with Community Health Charities. CHC is a federation of America’s premier health organizations that have joined together to raise charitable contributions in the workplace. The mission of CHC is to enhance the operations, programs, and services of its member health-related charities through access to workplace giving and to provide employees at work sites access to the full range of information, services and referrals provided by member charities, in order to improve the health and well-being of employees and to encourage community involvement.

Support Joshua Center through Other Funding
The Joshua Center depends on individual and corporate donations to support our wonderful programs. We greatly appreciate this community support.
The Joshua Center is grateful for the wonderful support from foundations in the Kansas City community.
Programs include Social Skills and the Annual American Camping Association Camp programs at the Rotary Youth Camp.
All proceeds from books written by the Founders, Becky Ottinger and Jack Southwick, benefit the Joshua Center.