A Mother’s Promise

Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders changing lives since 1996

A Mother's PromiseThose of us parenting a child with a neurological disorder share a common bond for the rest of our lives. We must all believe that through our successes and our mistakes we can change the world for our children and grandchildren.

My dream is that through the Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders the world will become a better place for everyone living and dealing with these disorders – Tourette Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and High Functioning Autism.

The Center is dedicated to serving the whole family. We are committed to developing and sharing programs to meet the many needs of these individuals. Experts in all fields have come together to make these programs possible.

To all our children we say “thanks” for making this a reality. To my son, Josh and my daughter, Sarah I say, “Thanks” for teaching me how to help others. Together we must all share our joys, our trials, and our tears to make this world a place where these disorders become understood household words.

No child or parent should have to experience what we have as a family and I intend to spend the rest of my life researching, developing, and sharing programs that will make a difference.

Becky Ottinger,
Founding Director

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Joshua Center
A Mother's Promise
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